From Auto Mechanics to Welding, technical training has evolved; we're not your typical "tech" school. Take a new look at North Montco Technical Career Center.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NMTCC to host German students

From September 30 through October 21st, NMTCC will be hosting 15 students and 2 teachers from Germany as part of our on-going German Exchange program. We look forward to sharing highlights of this program with you when our guests arrive.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Renovations continue

While driving along Sumneytown Pike, you may have noticed all of the activity taking place at the school. The grading has been done for the addition and the footers are in. You may notice that they have begun laying the block too!
Additional changes are taking place inside the school. The Industrial Electricity lab was expanded and revamped to accommodate more students. In addition, 2 of the existing cosmetology labs have been reconditioned.
There still is much more work to be completed but the end result will be something we will enjoy sharing with the community!