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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Heroic Student

This month, Protective Services student, Jeremy Boyce (12th grade, North Penn), had the opportunity to use the skills he learned in the classroom while he was at work. While Jeremy was working at Wal-Mart, he heard an announcement of an accident. He responded to the location and found a man lying on the floor who was turning blue and having heart attack. Jeremy immediately took control and directed 911 to be called. A registered nurse and Jeremy then performed CPR on the man until the Emergency Medical Technicians arrived. Jeremy also assisted with placing the man in the ambulance.
Jeremy has since found out that the man survived this attack. It appears the man had a blood clot in his heart and when Jeremy and the nurse performed CPR, they were successful in dislodging the clot which saved the man’s life.
We are proud of Jeremy for immediately taking action and using his skills to save this man’s life!

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