From Auto Mechanics to Welding, technical training has evolved; we're not your typical "tech" school. Take a new look at North Montco Technical Career Center.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC)will be holding the Seventh Annual Senior Project Expo/Open House on Tuesday, May 17th from 6-8 PM. This event is a chance for our seniors to display the knowledge and skills obtained at NMTCC through a graduation projected related to the program they are participating in while attending NMTCC.

The students’ displays will be throughout the building. All are welcome to see the great accomplishments of our students. You will also have the opportunity to view the renovations that have been completed to date. Baked goods and spring flowers will be available for purchase.

Mark your calendar! We look forward to seeing you on May 17th.

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