From Auto Mechanics to Welding, technical training has evolved; we're not your typical "tech" school. Take a new look at North Montco Technical Career Center.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) students competed at the Pennsylvania District 2 SkillsUSA competition held at Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center. The students competed against students from 9 other technical schools in 58 various competitions.

NMTCC students earned 8 gold medals, 6 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. Gold medal winners are eligible to compete against students from across Pennsylvania in the state level competition to be held in April. We are proud of all our competitors!

Congratulations to all of our Skills competitors!

The following students received First place medals:

David F., Prepared Speech

Jesse H., Advertising Design

Fallon H., Cosmetology

Cody C., Diesel

Ashley R. and Ashley L. (model), Esthetics

Dennis S., HVAC

Sam S., Technical Drafting

Second Place medals were awarded to:

John T., Architectural Drafting

Jake F., Auto Service Specialization

Christopher R., Motor Control

Christopher M., Precision Machining

Julian K., Technical Computer Applications

Casey S., Welding

And the following students received Third Place medals:

Crystal A., Action Skills

Taylor L., Medical Math

Sean M., Firefighting

Tyler M. and Dylan M., Web Design

All first place winners are eligible to compete in the state competition.

The following students will also be competing in the state competition:

Savannia B., Graphic Communications

Dillon C., Pin Design

Andrew D., Mechatronics

Logan O., Mechatronics

Congratulations to all our competitors and good luck to those who will be competing at the state competition!

SkillsUSA is a national organization for students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills.

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